The National Center for Education Statistics states the number of students ages 3–21 who received special education grew from 13% of the total US school population to 14% from 2010 to 2020.
However, IEP trends I collected from the Data Accountability Center for years 2004 to 2008 on a state by state basis presented a very different picture. It showed some states steadily reducing the number students needing IEP programing and a few states sharply increasing their IEP population. Pennsylvania being at the top of the list. IDEA 2004-2008
MACPAC and KFF estimates Medicaid home and community based service for those with intellectual/developmental disabilities average around $46,000 per year and for those at an intermediate care facility $140,057 per year.
In Pennsylvania during the years my daughter was trafficked from the Easton Area School District the state grew its IEP population by 0.75% or 12,772 students. Or between $587 Million to $1.7 Billion in potential bogus invoices to medicaid. Or potently 12,772 student lives destroyed, abused into mental disability.
Removing bottom-feeding predators from our schools, police departments and legislature ought to be a top priority. Sample articles on abuse and its direct impact on IQ can be found here IQ/abuse.